Baby on Board!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Last Bump Update - 38 Weeks!

This post marks my last bump update before we meet sweet baby girl! SIX more days!! I had a great check-up yesterday and all signs are pointing towards our scheduled date of June 26th. Her heartbeat was nice and strong and Dr. Stowell even laughed and said, "she's blowing out my speakers" on the heart rate monitor! The water works were flowing yesterday as he kept saying "this is your last appointment, I can't believe how fast it's gone, are you ready to have a baby next week, etc." I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and all I could mumble out was "I don't know why I'm about to cry" and he just laughed, patted my knee, and said, "honey, because you're going to have a baby next week"! I know he sees emotional pregnant women, but geez - I thought I was going to make it through this whole pregnancy without crying in front of him (because I literally felt like I cried every single time I saw him while pregnant w/ Ethan - haha)! And it didn't help that all the nurses kept saying, "you're so close - next time we see you you're going to have a baby - good luck"! It is so surreal - we've had this C-section scheduled for months now and had June 26th circled on our calendar and now it's only days away!

Although I feel a whole mix of emotions at this point, I still feel very calm heading into everything. Her pending arrival is so different than Ethan's. Before I had Ethan I wasn't a parent yet...I didn't realize how capable you are of loving a tiny little munchkin that can bring so much joy into your life. Now we've had almost two years with him and it literally just gets better and better. Know that I know that kind of love and joy, I am just so ready for her to be here. I'm ready to love another tiny baby like that! I've heard so many soon-to-be second-time parents say they struggle with "how will I love my second child as much as the first?" I've actually never worried about that and have a completely different perspective...again, knowing what my heart is capable of feeling towards a child after having Ethan just means it will be multiplied with another baby. Eric is so stinking cute and already knows he's toast...he knows having a little girl is going to completely change his life. He even made the comment the other day he knows he'll be the one to spoil her rotten, not me =) Life is going to be extra sweet with this little blessing!!

How Far Along: 38 Weeks, 1 day!

Size of Baby: Average size for babies at this stage in development is about 6 1/2 lbs. and around 19 1/2-20 inches long (ps: we are sooooo excited to see how much she weighs!!!)

How I'm Feeling: I keep telling everyone I feel excited and emotional - that's the best way to sum it up! I've still been able to walk 1.5-2 miles about six days a week which is awesome. Most days, I feel really great, but I can tell I have "hit the wall." I feel just a little bit more uncomfortable, a little bit more out of breath, my heart is beating so dang fast at all times, and sometimes all I want to do is just lay down. The extreme of emotions is wild too. One minute I'm exhausted and just want to sleep - the next minute I have the raging energy of a hyena. One minute I'm laughing with my son - the next minute I'm crying because it was so sweet of Eric's co-workers to throw him a baby shower last week. One minute I believe people when they say "you'll know what to name her when you see her" - the next minute I'm sweating bullets thinking what if we DON'T know what to name her when we see her. One minute I tell myself to not buy any bows/headbands until she's born so I can see how much hair she has - the next minute I'm on Etsy searching all over the place for the "perfect" newborn bow/ that's not too big and won't overshadow her sweet face (yes, I bought two new headbands specifically for the hospital). One minute I think Plan A will play out and we will meet her June 26th - the next minute I think my water is breaking and I'm going into labor. These finals days/weeks are just hilarious - all I can do is laugh at myself and how ridiculous I am sometimes. But, oh well - they are all real emotions and I love every second of it!

Cravings: Know how I always talk about "splurging" in these last couple weeks of pregnancy? Well, I've yet to actually do idea of splurging was getting low-fat brownies, a junior size milkshake, etc. Threw all that out the window yesterday at Jiffy Treat and got a medium s'mores blizzard which included chocolate bar chunks, graham crackers, marshmallow fluff, and I even add Reece's cup. Wowzers, it was delicious! I might have to go get another one before next Thursday =)

We have a wedding on Saturday, cookout with friends on Sunday, appointment at the hospital for pre-op stuff Tuesday, and a couple other things that will keep us busy until little sister arrives! Looking forward to enjoying our last weekend as a family of THREE!

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