Baby on Board!

Monday, April 28, 2014

9 More Weeks To Go!

30 Weeks!
I mean...9 more weeks, are you kidding?! Doesn't even seem possible right? I tell people that and they respond, "Didn't you just tell me you were pregnant?!" Not too much to report on our end - the only baby related thing we've done lately is put a dresser together for little girl's room. Now that the dresser is completed, I am excited to start organizing all her clothes and putting them away. Eric is traveling for work the next two weeks so I'm also hoping to get some decorations up on the wall so he can come home to a semi-completed nursery! We've got a quick check-up at the doctor in the morning and am looking forward to hearing that sweet heartbeat!

How Far Along: 30 1/2 weeks!

Size of Baby: Baby is about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 pounds - about the size of a coconut!

Development: Her eyesight continues to develop and she's about to head into a growth spurt! She can turn her head from side to side and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as fat accumulates underneath her skin.

How I'm Feeling: I feel like I say this every two weeks, but overall I feel really good! I'm happy that I've been getting out and walking with Eric and Ethan and it's a definite mood booster. I have lower back pain when I walk, but it's not enough to slow me down quite yet. I've been wearing my compression stockings about 15 hours a day and it feels like pure bliss every night when I get to take them off =) The most noticeable 'symptom' lately has been how tight (and somewhat painful!) my belly is getting. I've been saying for a month now that I feel like baby girl is already running out of room and have no idea where she'll go in the final months. I can just feel the skin stretching and when she lays certain ways and her head (or tush!) are protruding out of my belly it can be a little uncomfortable! She is still so, so active and know I'm in for some kicks under the ribs pretty soon!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing actually! I haven't had any major "must-haves" lately and feel like I've done a good job balancing healthy, normal eating with sweets and yummy treats! =)

30 Weeks with Ethan and Baby #2!

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