- I officially sleep unswaddled now! If you remember, right after I turned eight months mommy tried unswaddling me to see if I would like it better. Guess what? I DO! I now sleep in a sleep sac, but I still have so much room to kick my legs and my arms are free. Most nights, you'll find me asleep with my arms straight out to the sides like a "T"!
- I sleep 13 hours a night (7pm-8am) with two naps...a long morning nap (1.5-2 hrs.) and an afternoon nap (1-2 hrs.).
- I make so much noise now - especially high squeals because I'm so happy!! Even though I haven't said my first word, I have my own language. It's called Ethan babble and I do it all the time! Mommy and Daddy say I tell really good stories.
- I love to blow air - I think it feels funny on my mouth. You'll catch me throughout the day just blowing...and I think it's even funnier when mommy blows back in my face!
- Do you know how cool ceiling fans are? I'm quickly learning that most rooms have ceiling fans and I love when they are turned on!
- One of my new tricks is rocking back and forth while sitting up. I hear this may be a sign of crawling soon (at least my own version of crawling). Sometimes, I rock back and forth so much I fall forward and end up on my stomach.
- Major developments in the food area!! I am such a big boy and LOVE to feed myself tiny pieces of food now. I haven't mastered the "pincher" grasp yet, I more so prefer a whole fist full of food. As soon as there is food on my tray, I frantically grab the food and try and shovel as much as possible in my mouth. Granted, only about 5% of it actually makes it in my mouth, but hey, I'm learning. I love eating tiny pieces of bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, whole wheat bread, carrots, broccoli, cottage cheese, and shredded chicken. My mommy is going to the grocery tomorrow to stock up on more baby-friendly table food...I can't wait to see what she feeds me next!
- I still love pureed fruits and vegetables too. I eat pretty much everything, but sometimes when I don't like a certain flavor combination (or if I'm just full), I purse my lips and refuse to open my mouth. It always makes mommy and daddy laugh.
- I'm such a laid-back baby, however I am becoming a little more emotional. Before, I would maybe bang my head or hit myself in the face and not cry. Now, I'm all out crocodile tears!! I used to like the loud noise the vacuum made. Now, it scares me. It's okay though - mommy or daddy is always there to comfort me.
Ethan =)
Oh Good Grief! ENOUGH with the pictures Mommy! |