It's been awhile since I posted because, quite frankly, we haven't been doing much! And we've been without internet for the last week. The last two weeks for the kids and I has been super low-key. We've made trips to the grocery, Target, library, park, lunch with Papaw and Ginka, lunch with Grandpa Joe, etc. The cooler weather has us searching for fun indoor activities. The past two weekends we've had quick visits with the Smith family. There's never going to be a dull moment when those three boys are together! Kristen and I can hear the tattle-telling now..."Mommy, ___ hit me," "Mommy, ___ won't share." Love it.
Who knows what's going on in this picture. |

Emerson is doing well. She's still, on a day-to-day basis, having good days. It seems like her comfort zone is next to nothing...take her to an unfamiliar place or if she sees an unfamiliar face and it's game over. Some lady was trying to talk to her the other day at the grocery saying how cute she was and Emerson just lost it. Some days she does great if I take her to lunch, some days she screams. Sometimes she likes to be wrapped up when we go somewhere, sometimes she gets upsets and prefers to be out of the wrap. It's still a toss up for the most part =) We had her four month appointment on Monday and I will be updating everyone on her stats/growth next week. How cute is she?

Ethan seems to be mastering a new word almost every day now - it's so much fun! Although it definitely makes Eric and I realize we need to be careful about what comes out of our mouth =) Some of his latest words include: boat, bridge, fish, truck, bus, book, chip, help, please, church, happy, cheese, mouse, and rock. How cool is that? We got some of his newborn/infant toys out for Emerson and he found a kitty stuffed animal that he really likes. He's been carrying it around the last couple days taking such good care of it - he brushes his hair with a comb, goes "shhhh" and puts him in Max's cat bed when it's time for kitty to nap, makes kitty dance, gives kitty milk from his bottle, and even tries to feed kitty a piece of Max's food. It's pretty stinking adorable.

Ethan has asked to hold Emerson twice in the last week...he'll stick out his arms and point to her. He's been very gentle with her and only tries to poke her eye out occasionally! The other day I laid her next to him and ohhhhh my, the cuteness that unfolded was enough to make your heart melt. Needless to say, these staged photo shoots will be happening a LOT more now =)))
Happy to report things are going well - just enjoying my time with the kiddos! Emerson's four month update should be up on the blog next week!